Gathering joyfully, growing spiritually, and going faithfully, sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ!
200 N. Commercial Street, Neenah, WI 54956 920.725.3961
In-Person Worship - Sundays at 9:30 a.m.
Online Worship - Sundays at 9:30 a.m. on Facebook and YouTube
(services can also be watched at a later time)
Office Hours - Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

St. Paul Lutheran Church, a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, was founded in 1912 as the first Lutheran church in Neenah to offer services in the English language. We has been conducting services at our present location since 1916!
We recently took a look back to 2015, amazed at the stories and symbols that pointed us to places where we saw God in our midst. We saw God in the deep red of First Communion wine and in the orange t-shirts of our youth serving at the ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit. We saw God in the warm, golden yellow dinner rolls delivered to Meal Ministry recipients and in the green sprouts of our Community Garden plot. We saw God in the blue sky over gravesites where our saints were laid to rest, and in the purple smudges and stains on fingers and hands from creating all manner of art in the Fellowship Hall. GOD IS EVERYWHERE - we can see HIM anywhere we look, as long as our eyes, hearts, and minds are open to the prospect of seeing HIM!
We rejoice in each life shared, each chance taken, and each lesson learned. We remain grateful for each volunteer recruited, each program executed, and each dollar received and spent.
And, with each coming week, month, or year, we look forward to our church family spending time together sharing, risk-taking, and learning, as we live out our call to gather joyfully, grow spiritually, and go faithfully, sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ!