Gathering joyfully, growing spiritually, and going faithfully, sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ!
200 N. Commercial Street, Neenah, WI 54956 920.725.3961
In-Person Worship - Sundays at 9:30 a.m.
Online Worship - Sundays at 9:30 a.m. on Facebook and YouTube
(services can also be watched at a later time)
Office Hours - Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Mission & Ministry go hand in hand at St. Paul Lutheran, as we believe strongly in Jesus' mandate to Love God and Love People. We strive to be presence in our neighborhood, community, nation, and world, feeding, clothing, and loving God's people.
Our Prayer Quilt Ministry is very active with hundreds of Prayer Quilts being distributed since the ministry's inception in 2015. Prayer Quilts are prayed over specifically for the individual receiving them, and we have been privileged to hear so many stories detailing the power of prayer!
Knit2gether, a group of knitters and crocheters, meets weekly at St. Paul to work on projects of all sorts. They craft projects that include Prayer Squares, chemo caps, winter hats, mittens, scarves, and other items.
Our Meal Ministry delivers meals to members and non-members alike. One key activity of the Meal Ministry is the delivery of meals to our older members and others who just need a reminder that they are loved!
St. Paul Lutheran is home to The Fox Valley Community Table (FVCT), an organization committed to feeding the hungry two times each week.
St. Paul Lutheran Church is home to The Community Christmas Dinner, an ecumenical Christmas dinner for those in our community needing a little extra help. This past Christmas seven churches collaborated to provide meals and gift bags for over 300 people.
A cupboard on a pole... unexpected blessings for the needy. The St. Paul Blessing Box is in front of St. Paul church near the Commercial St. bus stop. Our team stocks this box three times each week with easy-to-prepare or no-prep food items as well as personal hygiene items, clothing items (socks, hats, scarfs, gloves) and bottled water. These items are fee for the taking and contributions are collected by various comminuty members and congregations.